We are moving! Effective 5/21/24 you can find us at 65 Fairchild Street, Suite 100 Charleston, SC 29492.



Visit the Charleston Regional Data Center for additional economic, demographic, and workforce data.


new people
move to the region each day

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Charleston | SC | USA

Population & Demographics

Information on overall population, age, race, and household income


Civilian labor force grew 3x faster than the U.S. average from 2017-2022

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Charleston | SC | USA

Labor & Employment

Overall employment by occupations, labor pool data, civilian workforce


in the U.S. for Advanced Industries

Source: Brookings Institution
Charleston | SC | USA

Employers by Industry

Top public and private sector employers, also employers by key industries


Charleston’s average annual pay as a percentage of U.S. average

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Charleston | SC | USA

Wage Statistics

Charleston's average annual pay as a percentage of U.S. average


million in economic impact of announcements made in FY 22-23

Charleston | SC | USA

Location & Expansion Log

Companies expanding or relocating to the Charleston MSA region



Charleston | SC | USA

County Profiles

Population and demographic information for Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester Counties and their major cities

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